Baymar Farms Usef Chanel II

Baymar Farms

February 10, 2024

Class: 32 - Opportunity Bridle path hack    Entries: 7

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Biscotti, Emily Mackenzie 0.00
2 Loverboy, Julia Garofalo 0.00
3 Esperanza, Samantha Sullivan 0.00
4 Samoa 52, Samaira Abrol 0.00
5 Please Don't Tell, Faith Orleman 2.00 N
6 Something to Talk About, Brielle Marston 0.00
7 Starry Night, Leah Posner 0.00

Class: 33 - Opportunity pleasure horse-usef specs    Entries: 7

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Loverboy, Julia Garofalo 0.00
2 Esperanza, Samantha Sullivan 0.00
3 Biscotti, Emily Mackenzie 0.00
4 Please Don't Tell, Faith Orleman 3.00 N
5 Samoa 52, Samaira Abrol 0.00
6 Something to Talk About, Brielle Marston 0.00
7 Starry Night, Leah Posner 0.00

Class: 34 - Opportunity njpha pleasure horse or pony    Entries: 7

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Loverboy, Julia Garofalo 0.00
2 Biscotti, Emily Mackenzie 0.00
3 Please Don't Tell, Faith Orleman 4.00 N
4 Esperanza, Samantha Sullivan 0.00
5 Samoa 52, Samaira Abrol 0.00
6 Something to Talk About, Brielle Marston 0.00
7 Starry Night, Leah Posner 0.00

Class: 35 - Opportunityplesure horse or pony crossrails 18"<    Entries: 7

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Loverboy, Julia Garofalo 0.00
2 Samoa 52, Samaira Abrol 0.00
3 Please Don't Tell, Faith Orleman 4.00 N
4 Starry Night, Leah Posner 0.00
5 Biscotti, Emily Mackenzie 0.00
6 Something to Talk About, Brielle Marston 0.00
7 Esperanza, Samantha Sullivan 0.00

Class: 40 - HopefulL/ Modified Opportunity Hunter2', 2'3" o/    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Bueno, Isabella Lucas 7.00
2 Something to Talk About, Mikayla Marston 0.00
3 Make Me Laugh, Mikayla Sickles 0.00
4 E.g. Porte Bonheur, Marlena Kane 0.00

Class: 41 - HopefulL/ Modified Opportunity Hunter2', 2'3" o/    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Bueno, Isabella Lucas 7.00
2 Make Me Laugh, Mikayla Sickles 0.00
3 Something to Talk About, Mikayla Marston 0.00
4 E.g. Porte Bonheur, Marlena Kane 0.00

Class: 42 - NJPHA HopefulL/ Modified Opportunity Hunter2', 2    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Something to Talk About, Mikayla Marston 0.00
2 Bueno, Isabella Lucas 5.00
3 Make Me Laugh, Mikayla Sickles 0.00
4 E.g. Porte Bonheur, Marlena Kane 0.00

Class: 43 - HopefulL/ Modified Opportunity Hunter2', 2'3" u/    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Make Me Laugh, Mikayla Sickles 0.00
2 Bueno, Isabella Lucas 5.00
3 E.g. Porte Bonheur, Marlena Kane 0.00
4 Something to Talk About, Mikayla Marston 0.00

Class: 52 - M&S low Children's/adult 2'6" medal    Entries: 2

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 lindsay Neill, Town Crier 0.00
2 Bianca Bird, Callibro 0.00

Class: 53 - lowChildrens Hunter o/f ponies 2', horses 2'6"    Entries: 6

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Go Pro, Caitlyn Boylan 7.00
2 Town Crier, lindsay Neill 0.00
3 Dexter, Chloe Zorn 4.00
4 Academy Award, Jamie Davidson 0.00
5 Callibro, Bianca Bird 0.00
6 Sacrificing It All, Izabella Gonzalez 0.00

Class: 54 - Low Child/Low Adult Htr o/f ponies 2', horses 2    Entries: 6

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Go Pro, Caitlyn Boylan 7.00
2 Town Crier, lindsay Neill 0.00
3 Academy Award, Jamie Davidson 0.00
4 Dexter, Chloe Zorn 3.00
5 Callibro, Bianca Bird 0.00
6 Sacrificing It All, Izabella Gonzalez 0.00

Class: 55 - lNJPHA Low Child/Low Adult Htr o/f ponies 2',     Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Go Pro, Caitlyn Boylan 7.00
2 Dexter, Chloe Zorn 5.00
3 Callibro, Bianca Bird 0.00
4 Town Crier, lindsay Neill 0.00
5 Academy Award, Jamie Davidson 0.00

Class: 56 - Low Child/Low Adult Htr under saddle    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Callibro, Bianca Bird 0.00
2 Town Crier, lindsay Neill 0.00
3 Academy Award, Jamie Davidson 0.00
4 Dexter, Chloe Zorn 3.00

Class: 62 - M&S Bit O Straw 2''6"    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Callibro, Bianca Bird 0.00
2 Dexter, Chloe Zorn 5.00
3 Town Crier, lindsay Neill 0.00
4 Sacrificing It All, Izabella Gonzalez 0.00

Class: 63 - Schooling Hunter a/b o/f a2'6", b 2'9"    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Frosty, Noah J. Buehler 0.00
2 Karrakan, Leah Posner 0.00
3 Leonitis J, ARIELLE E. LOGUIDICE 0.00

Class: 64 - Schooling Hunter a/b o/f a 2'6", b 2'9"    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Frosty, Noah J. Buehler 0.00
2 Leonitis J, ARIELLE E. LOGUIDICE 0.00
3 Karrakan, Leah Posner 0.00

Class: 65 - NJPHA Schooling Hunter a/b o/f a 2'6", b 2'9    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Karrakan, Leah Posner 0.00
2 Frosty, Noah J. Buehler 0.00
3 Leonitis J, ARIELLE E. LOGUIDICE 0.00

Class: 66 - Schooling Hunter under saddle    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Leonitis J, ARIELLE E. LOGUIDICE 0.00
2 Karrakan, Leah Posner 0.00
3 Frosty, Noah J. Buehler 0.00

Class: 76 - Children's/Adult hunt p2',2'6",H 3' o/f s/m2',l2    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Broadway, leah marra 0.00
2 Made from scratch, Natalia Rodas 0.00
3 Felix Lane, Bridget Tyksinski 1.00

Class: 77 - Children's/Adult hunt p2',2'6",H 3' o/f s/m2' l     Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Felix Lane, Bridget Tyksinski 3.00
2 Broadway, leah marra 0.00

Class: 78 - NJPHA children pony hunter o/f s/m2, L2'6    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Broadway, leah marra 0.00
2 Felix Lane, Bridget Tyksinski 2.00
3 Made from scratch, Natalia Rodas 0.00

Class: 79 - Children's/Adult hunt p2',2'6",H 3' under saddle    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Felix Lane, Bridget Tyksinski 3.00
2 Broadway, leah marra 0.00
3 Made from scratch, Natalia Rodas 0.00

Class: 84 - $250 M&S Children's /Adult Hunter Classic s/m2',    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Felix Lane, Bridget Tyksinski
2 Broadway, leah marra
3 Made from scratch, Natalia Rodas

Class: 86 - THIS CHILD'S MEDAL/NJPHA 3'    Entries: 1

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Natalia Rodas, Made from scratch

Class: 87 - M&S/NJPHA sore no more children's medal 3'    Entries: 2

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Bridget Tyksinski, Felix Lane 3.00

Provided by OrgPro
